Environmental Movements.

History of the Environmental Movement.

The Environmental Movement started in the 1800’s condemning the idea of competition between humans and nature, and the exploitation of natural resources that impact wilderness and wildlife. In the 1970’s the Ecology Movement brought awareness of how the natural environment affects humans as well as how human activities negatively shape the environment.

Air and water pollution by toxic waste, deforestation causing the loss of biodiversity, forest mismanagement, and drought are all man-made problems that directly threaten the ability of our planet to provide food, shelter, health, and security. They share the underlying causes of environmental mismanagement and conflicts of interest by humans.

Conservation and environmental groups have researched and promoted Natural Climate Solutions for decades in order to conserve and restore our natural environment. From that effort came a body of of methods which offer predictable, affordable, and documented solutions to many of the environmental issues we face. Populations of trees and shrubs have dramatically decreased due to human development for housing, industry, and agriculture since 1700 , significantly reducing the Earth’s ability to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Rain forest deforestation started in 1950 and has caused a global decrease in the storage capacity for CO2, around the same time as increased industrialization that caused an increase in CO2 emissions.

Plants and oceans regulate global CO2 levels by absorbing, storing, and releasing CO2 as part of a self-regulating Carbon Cycle. increasing the amount of vegetation on Earth is essential to successfully manage rising atmospheric CO2 and restore healthy CO2 regulation in the environment.

Onset and Impact of the “Climate Crisis” or Green Energy Movement

The Environmental Movement has been sidelined by the Green New Deal which has deprived it of the funding and resources needed to carry out its vital work. Critical support has been diverted to fund a political agenda and a takeover by a new and more destructive technological, extraction industrial complex which will inflict irreversible destruction on our remaining pristine natural areas.

There are many negative impacts caused by the manufacture, utilization, and disposal of alternative energy technologies that are known and many impacts that have not yet been evaluated or understood. The aggressive push to the new technologies seems unwise unless it can be shown to be more effective and safer than the system it replaces. It will further destroy biodiversity, push more species into extinction, pollute our air and water, destroy forests, displace and disadvantage the poor, indigenous, and people of color.

Implementation of Green New Deal policies has led to energy rationing, loss of farms and small businesses, power outages, lack of heating and cooling for homes and businesses. The imposed fuel shortages have led to soaring inflation, unaffordable high fuel prices, food shortages and political instability.

We have gotten here by neglecting to focus on each person’s responsibility to use our resources wisely and to honor nature, which nourishes and protects us.